Psychotherapy is a procedure that takes place based on human communication, between therapist and patient. It takes as a reference conflicts and other aspects of mental functioning or psychic functions. Psychotherapy is a treatment that provides relief for someone's suffering, helping with their affective, behavioral, cognitive and socio-emotional transformation. It can be held in person or online, these are sessions whose purpose is to treat psychological problems, such as anxiety disorders, depression, stress, burnout syndrome, psycho-emotional and psycho-affective disorders, difficulties in social skills, loss and grief, neurodevelopmental disorders , learning disorders, conflicts with professional choice, among other relationship problems that affect people's mental health. Psychotherapy sessions last 60 minutes, weekly or according to patient demand. Cognitive therapy (BECK Model) is a structured, directive therapeutic approach, with clear and defined goals, focused on the present and used in the treatment of the most different psychological disorders. Main objective of cognitive therapy – to produce changes in the clients' thinking and system of meanings (beliefs), evoking a lasting emotional and behavioral transformation and not just a momentary decrease in symptoms. ... “it is not the situation that determines what a person feels, but the way he interprets the facts in a given situation” (Beck, 1964). Treatment In cognitive therapy, psychopathology (illness) will always be considered the result of excessively dysfunctional beliefs or excessively distorted thoughts that, in activity, would have the ability to influence the individual's mood and behavior, biasing their perception of reality” (Beck and Freeman, 1993). Role of the CBT Approach Therapist 1. Help the patient identify automatic thoughts and dysfunctional beliefs associated with them; 2. Propose cognitive restructuring techniques, aiming to modify these same automatic thoughts; 3. Hypothesize the natural belief category (helplessness or unkindness) from which the specific automatic thoughts appear to have arisen. 4. Specify the preponderant central belief; 5. Present your hypothesis about the central belief to the patient, asking for confirmation (or not); 6. Educate the patient about central beliefs in general and about their specific central belief, guiding them to monitor the operation(s) of their central belief; 7. Begin to evaluate and modify the central belief together with the patient, helping them to specify a new and more adaptive central belief. THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE WITHIN CBT Cognitive Therapy has a brief and focal nature. It reinforces the importance of developing patient autonomy by training them in new management skills and modifying absolutist beliefs. The client is prepared for possible relapse episodes. In the therapeutic process, the techniques used serve to help change the thinking, mood and behavior of those seeking help.